Bees are winged insects that are closely related to the family of ants and wasps. These insects are known for their important role in pollination as well as the production of honey and wax by some species such as the European honey bee. More than 16,000 species of bees are known worldwide in seven different biological families. [2][3] Some bees, including honey bees, pollinating bees, and stingless bees, live socially in a colony, but most species (more than 90 percent) including flower bees, harvester bees, leaf-picking bees and sweet bees live alone. Bees are found on all continents except Antarctica, in most habitats with flowering plants. The most common bees in the Northern Hemisphere are the honey bees, which are small and often confused with honey bees or flies. The size of the bees varies from the tiny species of stingless bees, whose workers are less than 2 mm in size, to the large Wallace bee, the largest species of leaf-cutting bees, whose female sex can reach 39 mm in length.[4]
Bees feed on nectar and pollen, nectar is consumed primarily as an energy source and pollen primarily for protein and other nutrients. Pollens are mostly used as food for their larvae. Vertebrate predators of bees include some primates and birds such as bee-eaters. Insects such as wasps and wasps are also hunters of bees.
Due to the high importance of bees in pollination and increasing the fertility of agricultural products and fruits, the World Food and Agriculture Organization or FAO has named May 20 every year as "World Bee Day".[5]
The life of bees
Some bees have a social life. This means that they live in organized groups. Honey bee is a species of bee that has a social life. Honey bees live in a place called a hive.
There are three types of bees in a bee colony. The queen bee is the main and most important bee in the hive because it lays eggs. It is the only queen bee that can sting other queen bees with its sting. The queen bee is usually the mother of the worker bees. When the queen bee is young, she feeds on a special juice. Worker bees are like queen bees, and their duty is to collect pollen from flowers and protect the hive. The third type is the male bees whose only job is to fertilize the queen bee.
flight of bees
In 1934, a person named M. In France, Magnan wrote a book called Le vol des insectes, and in it he stated that the flight of these insects cannot be explained by scientific calculations because the ratio of their wings to their bodies is very small, and these insects cannot fly based on the fly. Another person named Andre Lago practically tested this assumption and the results of the investigation also showed that these insects should not be able to fly. [6] This idea was actually a misconception, because the flight of these insects is a violation of Pessar's law in gases, but flying These insects can be explained by mechanical laws, just as helicopters fly by these laws.[7]
In 2005, Michael Dickinson and his colleagues filmed the flight of a bee with the help of high-speed video cameras. [8] They estimated the bee's flapping speed at 230 times per second. [9]
Bees and humans
Bees had an important figure in mythology and were a model for human society. For example, in ancient times in the Near East, this insect was known as a bridge to the underworld, and the design of this insect was used in the decoration of tombs.[10]
Although these insects have a painful bite, they have a high status among humans. The reason for this position is probably due to their usefulness in pollination and honey production, as well as their reputation as a diligent creature. This bug is regularly used in advertising for goods.
Although bee stings can be fatal for people with allergies, almost all bee species are non-aggressive and will never sting if humans are not involved. Most humans are dangerous to bees and harm them by polluting their environment with toxic substances.
In Indonesia, bee larvae are eaten with rice. It is mixed with grated coconut and then wrapped in a banana leaf and steamed.
Anatomy of the bee body.
Like other insects, the bee's body can be divided into three parts: head, chest (middle part) and abdomen (located at the back). Also, like other insects, bees have 3 pairs of legs and 2 pairs of wings. Most of the bees are full of hair and their body color is yellow and black or orange and black. Many bees have stingers at the end of their bodies. If these insects get scared or confused or angry, they use their sting. After a worker bee stings, it dies shortly after, but other bees, as well as wild bees, can sting repeatedly. Some people are very sensitive to bee stings and sometimes even bee stings cause their death.
bee eye
Honey bees have five eyes: two large eyes on either side of the head known as "compound eyes" that are used to see shapes and colors in the environment, while three small eyes on top of the head known as "osceles" are used for navigation and orientation. It 
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